9 Minutes, No Heartbeat: Nick Dellasega
This is a story of Father Kapaun’s intercession.
Ten years ago Nick Dellasega was 26, a former athlete in great shape, running a 5k race, when suddenly his heart stopped and he collapsed a few hundred feet from the finish line. His uncle applied CPR and shocked him with a defibrillator, but nothing happened; Nick had the look of someone who was dead.
But his cousin Jonah, who was also running the race, knelt down on the pavement and said a desperate but trusting prayer to Father Kapaun: heal Nick, and quickly. His prayer was heard, and Nick revived, much to the amazement of doctors and paramedics. Nick shares his miracle story on this episode of The Foxhole and just how much that fateful day has impacted his life.
“I don’t think a lot of 26-year-olds get to have an experience where they’re faced with death… It’s something I’ve pondered, and I really want to make sure I’m living consistent with how I want to die.”
Nick’s prayer at the end of the episode:
Gracious God,
Thank you for the gift of today.
Refresh me. Invite me to discover your presence
In each person that I meet
And every event that I encounter.
Teach me when to speak and when to listen
When to ponder and when to share.
In moments of challenge and decision
Attune my heart to the whisperings of your Wisdom.
As I undertake ordinary and unnoticed tasks,
Gift me with simple joy.
When my day goes well, may I rejoice.
When it grows difficult, surprise me with
New possibilities.
When life is overwhelming, call me to
Sabbath moments
To restore your Peace and Harmony.
May my living today reveal your Goodness.