Kapaun’s Men
Faith in the Foxhole
On the battlefields of Korea and in the darkness of the Pyoktong prison camp, Father Kapaun was a beacon of hope and mercy to his brothers, and he taught them to care for one another. A Kapaun’s Man seeks to carry on his legacy of faith and brotherhood.
All of this starts with prayer. Share your prayer requests with us, and our team will be ready to them in our prayers.
The Beginnings: 1951
Kapaun’s Men began in the foxholes and prison huts of Korea. The men who served under Father Kapaun called him the greatest man they ever knew. Their chaplain inspired them to be strong in the faith and take care of one another. When their captors took him away, they were willing to fight. Instead, he told them to carry on without him- he would be looking out for them from heaven. And carry on they did.
The Legacy Continues Today
A Kapaun’s Man is someone who is inspired by Father Kapaun and seeks to live his legacy like his fellow soldiers did. What does it take for you to be a Kapaun’s Man?- Get to know Father Kapaun through our Virtue Series, either on your own or with a group
- Pray 3 Hail Mary’s in the morning and evening
- Commit to going “foxhole to foxhole” to accompany the men and women around you
If you’re willing to do this, let us know and we’ll keep you in our prayers. And if you’d like to get more guys involved in a group, we’ve got tools for that as well.

Virtue Series
Father Kapaun left a lasting impact on the world by living a life of virtue. We are called to do the same. The Kapaun’s Men Virtue Series is a 7-part video series with an accompanying workbook that dives into the virtues as exemplified by Father Kapaun. Men from many walks of life help us to understand what virtue can look like in men’s lives today and encourage us to put it into practice. Featuring two of Father Kapaun’s fellow Prisoners of War, this video is sure to be a life-changing series.
Stewardship Series
Want to have an extraordinary life? In its second video series, Kapaun’s Men examines how the concept of stewardship helps us as men recognize the unique set of gifts given to each of us by God and how to share those gifts with God and others. By focusing on Hospitality, Prayer, Formation, and Service, this 10-part series helps us live as a gift to others and leave behind a legacy for our family, friends, and the world. As Father Kapaun taught, “God gave us our gifts, not for our own glory or pride, but that we might use them for God’s greater honor and glory. Use your gifts to help your fellow man as much as you can.”
Beatitude Series
The Beatitudes are at the heart of Jesus’ moral teaching, and Father Kapaun was a walking example of them. Furthermore, the only surviving audio recording of Father Kapaun comes from a series of sermons he gave on the Beatitudes for the Armed Forces Radio Network in Japan. In this series, you will have the opportunity to explore the Beatitudes one-by-one by witnessing the living example of several men and women, as well as through Father Kapaun’s own life. We hope you will join us for the Beatitude Series and on our journey towards our heavenly blessing!
Pilgrimage Series
Each year at the beginning of summer hundreds of pilgrims walk 60 miles in the plains of the heartland of Kansas to the hometown of Servant of God Emil Kapaun. They do it not only to remember the heroic Catholic priest and Army chaplain who is on the path to sainthood but to discover the true meaning of their own unique paths to sainthood.
Join us on this 8-week Pilgrimage Series journey as we discover the essential elements that keep us moving on the road to holiness. Will you answer the Lord’s invitation to enter more fully into the Church’s pilgrim journey to heaven?
Kapaun’s Men Group Pillars
Prayer is an essential component of our relationship with God; it strengthens us and opens us up to His grace. Kapaun’s Men begin their sessions with a prayer to Father Kapaun and end with Three Hail Mary’s. Intercessions for each other’s needs are also included in the meetings.Formation
Formation means great Catholic content that not only feeds and nourishes us individually but also helps focus and direct our group discussion. Kapaun’s Men offers three original series based on the life and spirituality of Father Kapaun, as well as recommendations for other great resources that are accessible to men at all stages of their faith.Discussion
This is where the lasting impact of Kapaun’s Men really starts to take hold. Discussion is centered around our faith and things that will lead us to heaven. No program on its own will solve the world’s problems, but real discussion forms lasting relationships that inspire and encourage us and have a profound impact on our lives.

Creating & Building a Group
You might find that you are in a good spot to get others involved with Kapaun’s Men as well. To get started, you’ll want to establish a core leadership team. Kapaun’s Men is designed to be led by men, so while it’s important to get your pastor’s approval, he won’t be required to do a lot of work. Check out our “Operations Manual” for more details on starting a group. Download the Manual As far as recruiting goes, there are many ways to reach out to men – through posters, the parish bulletin, emails – but the best way that we have found is what we like to call hand-to-hand combat. Men are generally hungry for formation and fellowship with other men, but often don’t take the initiative on their own. When another man makes a personal ask, the chances of an affirmative response rise drastically. Paired with support from your pastor, personal invitations work wonders. That said, we are happy to help cover your bases. Feel free to use these posters and flyers to help advertise your group, as well as direct people to the trailer and first video on the website. Virtue Series Flyer Virtue Series Poster Stewardship Series Flyer Stewardship Series Poster Beatitude Series Flyer Beatitude Series Poster Pilgrimage Series Flyer Pilgrimage Series Poster

Spiritual Ammo Box for Prayer Requests
Send us your petitions, and they will be prayed for by a group of Kapaun’s Men who have committed to this ministry.
Petitions will be aggregated and sent every other week, with the exception of some immediate needs.
Interested in joining us in praying for the intentions of our brothers and sisters? Sign up for the Kapaun’s Men Prayer Squad here.
Contact Us
Kapaun’s Men
Catholic Diocese of Wichita
424 N. Broadway
Wichita, KS 67202
Phone: (316) 440-1735