Servant of God Emil J. Kapaun

A Legacy of Faith and Service

In a prisoner of war camp filled with the desperate and dying, where hope fades with the light of each day, the light of Christ shines through the actions of a simple yet heroic Catholic Priest from Kansas.

Servant of God Emil J. Kapaun

A Legacy of Faith and Service

In a prisoner of war camp filled with the desperate and dying, where hope fades with the light of each day, the light of Christ shines through the actions of a simple yet heroic Catholic Priest from Kansas.

Father Kapaun’s Story

A Life of Hope and Mercy

From the plains of Kansas to the battlefields of Korea, Father Emil J. Kapaun embodied what it means to live in service to others. Follow his story of selfless sacrifice and strength, and learn why today Father Kapaun is a candidate for Sainthood.

All Man. All Priest.

No one has greater love than this…

When the story of human history comes to a close, death and violence don’t get the final word. The love of God does. That love, burning bright in the heart of Fr. Emil Kapaun in the darkness of a POW camp in the Korean war, made him a hero.

Cause for Sainthood

Praying and Working for Father Kapaun’s Recognition

Check the status of Father Kapaun’s Cause in Rome and all the steps involved in having someone declared a saint, and join us in prayer.

The Father Kapaun Pilgrimage

The Kansas Camino

Each year at the beginning of summer hundreds of pilgrims walk 60 miles in the plains of the heartland of Kansas to the hometown of Servant of God Emil Kapaun. They do it not only to remember the heroic Catholic priest and Army chaplain who is on the path to sainthood but to discover the true meaning of their own unique paths to sainthood.

Next Pilgrimage: May 29 – June 1, 2025

Kapaun Memorial Statue

At the Kansas Statehouse

Efforts to erect a memorial statue of Father Kapaun at the Kansas Capitol Building are underway! The bill passed both chambers of the legislature with unanimous support and was signed into law. Learn more about the process and how to donate below. Photo courtesy of Catholic Vote.

Visit Our Store

And support our mission

Browse through our store for books, devotional items and other great products. All merchandise sales support the effort of the Father Kapaun Guild to share his story with the world and work towards his canonization.

The Medal of Honor

Celebrating 10 Years

On April 11, 2013, after 60 years of ceaseless advocating by his fellow soldiers and prisoners of war, Chaplain Emil Kapaun was awarded our nation’s highest award for valor for his actions at the Battle of Unsan, North Korea.

Learn more about the extraordinary nature of the award and the mission of mercy which led Chaplain Kapaun to be recognized with it.

Kapaun’s Men

Stronger Together

Kapaun’s Men are men who are committed to fighting the great spiritual battle that rages around us. We are a band of brothers who do not fight alone. Jesus Christ is our strength and our leader. Father Kapaun is our friend and guide. A true Servant Leader, Father Kapaun epitomized Christian manhood and challenged his men to do the same. We desire to emulate his virtues and so become better husbands, fathers, leaders, and friends.

Fall Pilgrimage

November 2, 2024

Join us in walking from Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School to Father Kapaun’s Tomb at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception on the anniversary of Father Kapaun’s capture.

Pilgrimage ends with Mass for All Souls Day.

Father Kapaun Comes Home

In 1951, Father Kapaun died in the Pyoktong POW camp in North Korea. His remains were unaccounted for nearly 70 years, but thanks to the dedication of a nation, he has finally come home.