Kapaun’s Men Retreat Novena
Join us in praying for the fruitfulness of the Kapaun’s Men Retreat. Novena to be said September 20 – 29.
Heavenly King,
You have given us archangels to assist us during our pilgrimage on earth,
graciously grant that our lives may be defended by those who watch over us,
even as they minister perpetually to you in heaven.
May they assist us and all the men attending the Kapaun’s Men Retreat this fall.
St. Michael, our protector, defend us against the wickedness and snares of the evil one, and make us humble and strong.
St. Gabriel, angel of the Incarnation, prepare our hearts to receive the message the Lord wants us to hear.
St. Raphael, friend and healer, heal our wounds and help us to walk with one another in greater charity.
“Not to us Lord, not to us, but to your name give the glory.” (Psalm 115)
Lord Jesus,
in the midst of the folly of war,
your servant, Chaplain Emil Kapaun,
spent himself in total service to you
on the battlefields and in the prison camps of Korea,
until his death at the hands of his captors.
We now ask you, Lord Jesus, if it be your will,
to make known to all the world
the holiness of Chaplain Kapaun
and the glory of his complete sacrifice for you
by signs of miracles and peace.
In your name, Lord, we ask,
for you are the source of peace,
the strength of our service to others,
and our final hope. Amen.
Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us!
Servant of God Emil Kapaun, pray for us!